Please note: weekly fire system test will take place at 8.15 am-8.45 am on Tuesdays
The provisions in this procedure shall apply with immediate effect. This management plan was created by Justinas Uska, Facilities Manager on the 3nd of April 2024.
Actions on the Discovery of a Fire
- Operate the nearest fire alarm call point by pressing the centre of the red call point until you hear the audible alarm.
- Alert the emergency services by dialling 999 and informing them of the location of the building and confirming that you have witnessed a fire.
- If you’re trained, tackle the fire with the provided portable fire extinguishers only if you feel confident to do so and you do not put yourself or others at risk. Always ensure you remain between the fire and the nearest available escape route.
- Make your way to the nearest emergency exit via the quickest and safest route possible encouraging everyone met on your way to follow you.
- Go to the assembly point located at Saffron Ave, between the lake and the security post (refer to the map below).
- Stay in the assembly point until further notice.

Actions upon hearing the fire alarm – Floor Users
- Upon hearing a fire alarm activation all tenants, contractors and employees should make their way quickly and safely to the nearest sign-posted fire exit. Floor users should leave their belongings behind and should refrain from using their mobile phones whilst on the fire escape route. No drinks should be taken out during the evacuation.
- The escape routes are clearly signposted. You should be familiar with the exit signage (from induction training) and also bear in mind that the route you have to take may not be the entrances/exits in normal everyday use.
- Key escape routes: The primary means of escape from the building is via the five internal stairways which discharge to open air at ground floor level.
- Follow Fire Wardens’ instructions. Fire Wardens will be clearly identifiable by wearing a high-visibility vest.
- Go to the assembly point located at Saffron Ave, between the lake and the security post (refer to the map below).
- Stay in the assembly point until further notice.
Export Building Evacuation Procedure – General
- All visitors/contractors on site will be the responsibility of their host while in the building and should be made aware of the assembly point in the event of an emergency.
- Lecturers have responsibility for the safety of the students they are supervising and must ensure the students evacuate the building by the nearest exit ensuring the students with mobility problems are in Refuge Point and no one returns to the building until told it is safe to do so.
- Disabled or injured building occupants without the possibility of self-evacuation must be taken to Refuge Point and wait for assistance. Fire Wardens or a responsible person (lecturer) should ensure disabled occupants reach the Refuge Point, and stay there while help comes.
- Evacuation chairs can be used by trained staff to help evacuate disabled or injured building occupants.
- If the fire alarm sounds at any time – apart from the designated weekly test at 8.15 am-8.45 am on a Tuesday (unless it continues for more than 30 seconds) you must leave the premises immediately by the nearest available fire exit as per Fire Action / Routine notices.
- On activation of the fire alarm system, all of the UCLAN and landlord’s access-controlled doors should automatically be released. If this is not the case, the green break glass can also be pressed to ensure the doors are released in the event of an emergency.
- Fire Wardens should be able to advise where the assembly point is.