A Mental Health and Wellbeing degree aims to equip you with the knowledge and skills to identify, understand and respond creatively to the various factors that influence mental health and wellbeing.
By examining biological, psychological, social, cultural and environmental factors that influence mental health and wellbeing throughout individual lives, and developing an understanding between clinical, non-clinical and individuals’ perspectives, this will enable graduates to explore a wide range of mental health and well-being services across public, private and third sectors to improve, maintain and promote mental health and wellbeing, to make positive differences to the lives of individuals and their communities.
Career Paths
Graduate employment opportunities that might be available to graduates of the programme could include:
• Assistant practitioner eg Occupational Therapy Assistant
• Care Home Manager
• Community Development Worker
• Healthcare Manager
• Health Promotion Specialist
• NHS Children and Young People’s Mental Health Services
• Primary Care Graduate Mental Health Worker
• Progression to PG Study to access further careers eg Nursing, Public Health, Social Work, and Teaching.
• Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner