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Student Complaints

At the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) London, we are committed to providing a high-quality learning experience for all our students. Our aim is to provide a supportive environment and to be responsive whenever concerns are raised.

We do recognise that there may be occasions when you have cause for complaint about your course or other services provided by UCLan London. A complaint is defined as an expression of dissatisfaction by one or more students about something UCLan London has done or not done, or about the standard of service provided by or on behalf of UCLan London, and where your student experience has been affected.

When to complain

All complaints are taken seriously and students will not be penalised for making a genuine complaint.

If you are considering making a complaint it is important you understand the difference between the UCLanAcademic Appeals Procedure and UCLan Student Complaints Procedure.

The Academic Appeals Procedure is our internal mechanism for appeals to be heard about academic decisions.

Whereas, if you are dissatisfied with University facilities or services, or wish to complain about an individual staff member conduct, then you should use the Student Complaints Procedure.

Student Complaints Procedure

The Student Complaints Procedure is set out in the Student Regulations and Policies – Students Complaints Procedure. It is important that you have read and understood the procedure before you make a complaint.

The Student Complaints Procedure applies to all students of University of Central Lancashire and is designed to ensure that complaints are dealt with fairly, consistently and in a timely manner.

Stage 1 Complaints of our Student Complaints Procedure is to try and resolve the issue informally through early resolution with the relevant member of staff immediately where possible. This must be done within ten (10) working days of becoming aware of an issue. You should talk to the person closest to the complaint, for example when complaining about a course, the module tutor or course director/leader would be the most appropriate person to talk to.

If this doesn’t resolve your concern you will need to make a Stage 2 formal complaint by emailing us: must be received by the Academic Director’s team within fifteen (15) working days of the Stage 1 response. You will be required to enter the details of your attempt to resolve the complaint informally on the UCLan Stage 2 Complaint Form.

If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of your Stage 2 complaint you can ask for a review of our decision by completing a Stage 3 Complaint Form on the following grounds:

  1. that relevant new evidence or circumstances have become known, which could make a difference to the outcome and could not reasonably have been provided earlier in the process
  2. that there was an irregularity or unfairness in the conduct of the procedure, and this materially affected the outcome
  3. that the decision and outcome were unreasonable in the light of the evidence provided

This must be received by the UCLan Student Casework Team at within ten (10) working days of the date of the Stage 2 response.

Time limits

Your complaint must be raised within ten (10) working days of either
(a) the date which the event complained about occurred; or
(b) when you reasonably should’ve become aware of an issue.

If the complaint relates to a series of incidents or events, you must make the complaint within twenty working days of the first incident or event.

Where to get help

If you are considering making a complaint it is important that you have read and understood the Student Complaints Procedure mentioned above.

If you require further guidance or assistance regarding your complaint, the Students’ Union can provide independent advice through the Student Union Advice Service.